This is it. a漫画アディクト is taking up too much of my time. Please go there if you want to see more of my art and such. Hopefully, I'll eventually get around to finishing Momotaro over there as well.
Thanks to everyone who checked this place out and the few of you who left comments. I'll see you all over at a漫画アディクト ;)
I don't know if you still check this page, but the new one required me to have some kind of account that I don't have. You're old e-mail doesn't work so I thought I'd try to find your new one. I guess you don't list it on your site. If you still have mine, can you send me a message? Paul says HI too. I'll check back here to see if you respond here.
You can't access my new sight and my old e-mail doesn't work?
Can you tell me what exactly the message said? That page should be open to anyone. I'll look at it again.
I went to send you an e-mail, but I realized I don't have your address. You're not on facebook either are you?
I don't want to put my mail address up here because I'll just get a ton of spam. But if you get a facebook account I could message it to you.
The internet is too complicated...
This blog allows an "anonymous" post. The other one doesn't. I sent something to a hotmail address that might be yours...
Ok, thanks.
I fixed the blog so it should allow anonymous posts now.
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