Ok, I don’t know why it took so long, but I’ve finally realized that the idea of writing a blog about making a comic without showing the comic itself is a bit ridiculous. There are some good blogs out there like that, succeeded with this approach (most notabley
Project Waldo). But to be honest, I find talking about my process to be as much fun as pulling teeth. I would rather spend that time and energy working on the project itself.
But I would also like to build up an audience for myself as well. (What Jason Brubaker has done with his
Remind site is incredible and inspiring). How can I do this?
...I don't know, but if I wait until I'm completely finished, I'll never get anything up here.
I know it's not ideal, but I think I'll try just updating when I can. Hopefully, this will allow me to both build an audience and get some feedback as well. I’m well enough along so far that even with my busy schedule (ie. job) I should be able to do about a page a week for a year or two until I finish (ie. between 52-104 pages). I’ve already got about 76 pages written and roughed and the first 30 or so pages are “finished.”
…but this is a work in progress and I have been going back to change things.
Let’s see what happens…
Project Waldo)、でも実は、漫画を描くことについて書いているのは全然、楽しくありません(なんか、歯が抜けているって感じのようです)。そのエネルギーを漫画を描くことに使ったほうがずっといいと思っています。
でも、読者を増やしたいと思っていますので、(Jason Brubakerの